Government Projects
Because everyone at Metal Force works hard to make sure that all of the products we supply for our customers are high-quality and reliable, we have gotten notice from the government and have previously worked on military-grade projects.
For instance, on one of the projects we completed, we were contracted out to complete some navy staves for the sonar dome block. We made sure that everything we created for the Navy was made exactly according to the specifications they gave us, just like we do for any kind of client who seeks our services.
Future Projects
Because Metal Force was extremely reliable and available during the navy stave project, we anticipate receiving similar work from government entities in the future. Our timely efforts to get the project completed impressed and made a difference in the project on a whole.
We hope that you, as one of our clients can see that, no matter what industry your company belongs to, we are fully capable of creating products for almost everyone that seeks out our metal fabrication services.
Commitment and Reliability
You can rest assured that, if the navy and other government entities trust us to create products that they need, such as the navy staves, the project you and your company have in mind will be no problem for our experts, technicians, and specialists that are highly experienced with metalwork and metal fabrication.
For each and every one of our projects, we put every effort into making our deadlines while creating the highest quality work possible. We want all of our customers from across all industries to be impressed with our level of work and commitment.
Whether you work for the government or are just looking for a reliable metal fabrication company to work on your project, give Metal Force a call today at (801) 725-7569!